

i have go to hike
it like a mission imposible
i never think that it
how long time is the journey...
after i arrived the destination...
it takes around 12hours...(haven whole day la)
From Tangkak(Ledang) to Muar...
i think it is short than my journey
but rule to get the badge of Ekspedisi...
i think we have round the muar a big big round...
from tangkak to sungai mati we almost mati la
our kind sir let us call the lori to the new bridge of muar
let us know wat the feel if go there by walking and went there by vehicle
before we reach the sungai mati
our leader say can eat lunch...
i think never lo...how come...free or?
actually someone married~~~
we do incumbency there too after we finish our lunch
then we ask them about the comment about scout(from the tangkak to kangkar too)
we get 10 sign n commentthe 1st incumbency we have passed
then continue our journey
the bridge...
seen like so long
after we have finished walking
actually just a short distance only
if compare with our journey
i also dunno where i went
keep going which lead by the leader
then we go to mosque...
they pray...we keep sitting outside and rest
after that continue our another incumbency
it was another imposible happend
we went to the place that beside the mosque(burial ground)
somebody say that
choi choi choi
somebody say clean up their house
new year go there...
it was a incumbency
so that we have to do it too
we keep getting out the leaf from the gravestone
then wait for sign of the chairman of that uptown
then raining
haha all of us wear raincoat...
so cute
most like digi~yellow
some like turtle~beg at the back
the citizen of muar keep asking where we from
how about happy chinese new year
some ppl(our member)said that
all of us is fool want happy new year le
jk only la
then we like to ask still left how long the distance
they will say
go straigt turn left or right
still left some only
dunno how some is it
then we reached the destination around 8pm
all of us scold by sir
never do the things(some) that order
then continue by take bath or keep doing log
after that we all gather when 9pm
sir keep giving us prelect
then around wat time i have forgot
all of them go to sleep
we slepy the open air
because didnt bring camp
the 'aeroplane'
keep kissing us...
make us angry
then most of them run into the room slp
after that we run into the place tat sir giving prelect
some of them still left there and slp
the 2nd day
we clean up the place
we continue our journey
we leave the place at 8pm
then keep walking again
dunno where we r
dunno how long the distance left
around 10pm we reached the police station of muar
then get the sign again
then go to the bus station
the whole journey all of us have safety done it!
very imposible
we make it posible



月熊,你听过吗?我是帮忙转贴的。。。请大家也帮忙转贴上个星期参加了一个佛学营,在里面与一个小学妹重遇,六天的营她就坐在我前座。有一天忽然看见她穿了一件印有'月熊'字眼的T恤,上面还有一行Rescue The China Bear。我好奇地问她china bear是不是熊猫?(虽然袖子上有一个logo画着一个完全不像熊猫的熊,可是中国面临绝种的熊类,我真的只认识熊猫嘛)她说不是,月熊是中国一种黑熊,在胸间有一块v型,白色的毛,因此得名。虽然两种都是快绝种的熊,可是从她的讲解中,可以知道月熊的命运比熊猫坎坷许多,全因它们能够提供中国人认为是非常滋补的中药--熊胆汁。中国四川有许多大大小小的月熊农场。被捕到的月熊都被关在一个只有它们体型般大小的铁笼里。在关进笼之前,它们都会进行一个手术,主要是在月熊胸膛开一个洞,再把胆囊拉出来,然后把一枝比铅笔还要粗的铁管插进胆囊里,方便他们定时抽取胆汁。人用针筒刺进胆囊,抽取胆汁…… 从此,月熊就会在这笼子里度过它的一生。一般上它们的生命最多只能有二十年。能想象吗?一只在野生无拘无束生活着的动物被人关进一个转身也不能的笼子里,过不久就被Animals Asia Foundation是一个以救出月熊,还它们自由身心的NGO。据他们的义工说,那些被救出的月熊,有很多已经是遍体鳞伤,因为抽胆汁的痛,它们会用身体、头撞铁笼,用爪子乱抓,乱刮。有一些更是被农场的工人鞭打,主要是使它们被驯服,方便取胆汁。不过最让Animals Asia Foundation义工最心痛的是,月熊在年年月月的折磨中,会和人类一样受到心灵上无比的创伤! 月熊需要我们的帮忙。有能力的就出点钱,没能力的也能身体力行,坚决不再盲目的迷信胆汁的效用,不买熊胆汁,也劝阻身边其他人不要再买,让他们知道他们为了一己的利益而伤害了不少的月熊。也希望看过这个部落格的朋友能把文字剪贴在电邮,转发出去给所有朋友。有兴趣的朋友也可以上Animals Asia Foundation的网站看看:www.animalsasia.org