

everyday see like sunny day
but sudenly dark n rain...
so gud exam hav been delay
because 2 days volleyball contest in our sch
some of us is helper
haha means skip class lo
2moro if tat kpkb tat girl(KP 2008/09)come n kp lagi
she really wan kena la
every day small small meeting(gud is meeting)
meet for wat?
talk about 1 or 2 things then dismiss
for wat!!!
wasting people time...(dun k wat time is it bcos she making ppl hot!!!)
because she follow her mood!!!
sorry to girls because she will on time to call names
n some one (sure is boy la) always do such a "small ppl" thing!!!
anyway is like tat
watever my team member i nvr do any report to sir(even sir also nonuse)
they(surely is malay girls their pattern too many) come n complain me!!!
wat the
actually if i wan to do all sure kena
who m i
i will do something tat is crazy
make ppl will think me something wrong too
but dun make me to do so
nothing is impossible~~~


is too bad...

exam start tomorow...
is going to april oredi...
so fast...
life is such like tat boring?
after this year is leaving from my secondary sch
then continue...
wat should i continue to do?
dunno how worst it will be==
haven study yet...
haha all think or talk about love~~~
some oredi b couple
some are still finding another partner
some are still waiting for answer
some are playing with love
some are still lonely like me
love such a fool things
make people confuse
anyway love have to pay all the attension
because it will make our life more special n romantic too
all the attension is not easy to give out
hopefully all the best to all my fren to get a flying colour result even have a wonderful love in your life~~~



世 界 末 日 已 證 實 !地球終結日,將在2012年發生 聞聲國際的作家、工程師兼業餘科學家[摩利斯.科特羅(MAURICE COTTERELL)]精於瑪雅古文明研究,他從許多古廟與碑石中發現了一組一再重複出現的密碼:1366560.若將這個密碼的單位視為"天",則換算為年的話,為3740這個年數.根據瑪雅文獻的記載,地球每隔3740年就會被毀滅一次,而地球生命在過去已曾被毀滅四次.換言之,現代人類應已是地球第五代子孫了. 摩利斯將瑪雅文化中的聖數1366560與太陽磁場變化週期,這二個表面上毫不相干的事連接在一起.科學的計算顯示太陽磁極每隔3740年就會對調一次,而3740年就會對調一次,而3740年剛好是1366560天換算的年數. 由於地球的磁場受到太陽磁場很大的牽制,當太陽磁極逆轉時,摩利斯推論地球磁極也跟著對調,令地球磁極南北兩球互換.生物無法適應突然發生重大氣候變化,而集體死亡.長毛象堅信是熱帶地區的生物,但由於磁極的對調,使它們生存的地方變成天寒地凍的不毛之地,於是發生長毛象在西伯利亞、阿拉斯加集體死亡的事件.而考古學上的證據顯示這二個地方原本屬於熱帶氣候的. 地球滅亡之日 古瑪雅人早就已經將那個日子準確地算出來.在不少預言中,年代記載最完整的,算是<克奧第特蘭年代記>.它說我們得知第五太陽紀於西元前3113年.在經歷瑪雅大週期的5125年後,第五太陽紀迎向最終.與現在西曆相對照的話,便可知[太陽紀]將于[某紀的某日]結束.這個終結日,就在西元2012年12月22日的前後。 也許..大家可能不會相信.因為開始我也是這樣的..但是.後來,我看了下相關資料.覺的有些奇怪...之前完全不相信的態度也有所改變.. 瞭解歷史的親可能都知道 消失的瑪雅文明吧..瑪雅人在一瞬間全部消失..誰也不知道他們去了哪里.至今,這仍是一個密團.但是.瑪雅人留給我們太多的問題了...他們的預言百分之99都變成了現實..他們預測到了汽車,飛機的生產日期.有些親可能會問.他們怎麼會知道以後有一種東西叫做汽車..這也正是奇怪的地方.在埃及.一些瑪雅文明研究者.在他們生活的地方和一些石頭上發現了這些.他們預測了西特勒出生和死亡的日期..完全一樣.... 人類歷史上的3次大浩劫...其中一次就出現的瑪雅人身上..即使他們預測到了也改變不了.....那一次..就是上面我所說的 消失的瑪雅文明. 依照瑪雅曆法,地球由始到終分為五個太陽紀,分別代表五次浩劫,其中四個浩劫已經過去,當第五個太陽紀來臨,太陽會消失,大地劇烈搖晃,災難四起,地球會徹底毀滅,按照馬雅曆法是三一一三年,換算為西曆便是二○一二年十二月二十二日。 雖然很多民族都有末日預言,但為何瑪雅人所說的末日預言,會受到人們的重視,原因是瑪雅曆法的計算,非常準確,從瑪雅人的曆法得知,他們早已知道地球公轉時間,是三百六十五日又六小時又二十四分二十秒,誤差非常之少。另外對於其他星體的運行時間,在計算上亦非常準確,對於數學上「○」的單位數位,早在三千年前,瑪雅人已經使用而且他們所繪製的航海圖.比現在任何一個都要精確... 瑪雅人說2012年12月21日的黑夜降臨以後,12月22日的黎明永遠不會到來... 而他們預測世界末日的毀滅方式是...人類自殺...剩下的人自相殘殺....美國航天局和世界上一些著名的語言家都證實了瑪雅的預言.. 當然...這些並不絕對....只是有一點...瑪雅人所說的2012年...地球將會發生重大的改變...這是肯定的... 22日晚00.00點,天空變的異常悶熱,人們有的睡著了,有的還是過著一樣的夜生活,忽然,黑夜大地被照的通紅毛,天空出現耀眼的火光…隨之狂風大起…大地開始巨烈搖晃,啪,啪…"下火雨了"只聽到有人在叫…當人們還在以為這是獨特的自然景象時,卻不知道浩劫就要來了…一顆直徑達半個地球大小的隕石直奔地球而來,……救命啊…整個地球處於火熱的地獄大地在燃燒…10級地震,完了,徹底的…轟…隕石降臨了,衝擊波強於1000億個原子彈,…整個世界崩潰,橫屍億裏…是的上一次是恐龍,而這次…23日,黑暗,整個地球,回到了幾千億年前的冰川時代…人類時代徹底的被畫上了句號

would u believe 2012 Doomsday and Bible Codes Prophecy

2012 Doomsday and Bible Codes Prophecy
2012 is speculated to be the End of the World based on the Mayan Calendar and other sources. If you are worried or unsure about it, then some (un)common sense along with a literal Bible prophecy breakthrough can help where Bible codes fail. Find out what kind of year 2012 will be: normal or prophetic.
Don't Be Confused About Bible Prophecy Another Minute Here's the Bible Prophecy breakthrough you've been waiting for—from two overlooked keys in the hard sayings of Jesus now made plain in the most accurate prophecy research available, because it departs from traditional "anything goes" allegorical interpretations which disregard Jesus' only statement on how to interpret Scripture correctly. (Learn these keys of Jesus in this free article...)
A Reader Comments:
“I've been searching all of my adult life for this kind of wisdom! I have listened to Irvin Baxter for 13 years and the Prophecy Club off and on for the same amount of time. I felt like I only had bits and pieces of the big picture. Then I hit the "wisdom and understanding jackpot" the next night when I typed "Prophecy" into a google search and out of all the sights that were available, I clicked on Tim's site first! It was like God pulled a needle out of a haystack for me in answer to my prayer from the day before!”
Eve Brast, California (Read more testimonials...)
2012 Predictions
One thing that will never end is speculation about the future. (That last sentence being a case in point, I suppose). Although, to my knowledge no specific dated predictions has ever succeeded, dates continue to be set and people continue to be fascinated and even concerned about them as they approach. (David Booth's dream of the 1979 airline disaster premonition is one notable documented case that makes me qualify prediction with the word "dated".)
The most popular doomsday date approaching is 2012. Countless sites offer evidences from various sources including Bible Code, Peak Oil, Numerology, Remote Viewing, Elliot Wave, etc. as evidence of something earth-shaking due that year. Most famously 2012 is the year when the so-called Long Count b'ak'tun cycle of the Mayan Calendar ends (on December 21 or possibly December 23). While it's unclear what the end of that period meant to the Mayas, many interpret the period end as The End, perhaps of civilization as we know it due to a major catastrophe, such as the passage of Planet X.
My default assumption about 2012 has been that it would probably be no different than the previous speculated dates. That assumption came from a time-proven maxim I had coined based on the saying that a "watched pot never boils": If anyone "sets a doomsday date", that's the one date that you can count on nothing happening. In other words, if everyone is distracted by watching one time period, it seems to virtually guarantee that nothing will happen during it. Or if something does happen, it will come at some other unwatched time.
Historically Doomed "Doomsday Dates"
The ultimate example of a set date which failed was of course Y2K or January 1, 2000. Many authors and ministries in 1999 were seriously committed to warning people that the end of the world as we know it (TEOTWAWKI) was nigh because of the year 2000 computer bug. Many people took them seriously and took action by stocking up on ready to eat (RTE) meal kits and other food supplies, investing in gold and silver, and preparing safe houses out of the city, etc. To their regret or relief, nothing happened.
By the way, I'll readily admit here that Y2K heavily influenced the timing of my already planned exodus from the USA in search of a better life to the beautiful tropical country of Costa Rica. Not long after arriving in 1999, I realized that Y2K could not possibly live up to its predictions. In hindsight I can see how God used that rumor to put some urgency behind my relocation plans. Nine years later I have no regrets and a very well-received prophecy book to show for my move. I never would have been able to write this book had I stayed put in my old lifestyle (or "the machine" as it's called in Pink Floyd's Welcome to the Machine). God guides and teaches us in surprising ways, even through misunderstandings.
Another example of a set date that is especially notable in the context of 2012 is May 15th, 2003. This was the supposed date of passing for Planet X according to Zetatalk, Mark Hazlewood and others early in this decade. Again, it was a dud that (this time) I recognized a mile away coming off my lesson from Y2K. On the positive side, 2003 hype did make many people aware of Planet X--including me. This lead directly to the researching and writing of my first book Planet in Bible Prophecy with the goal of finding out if the Bible substantiated such a catastrophe. (Which it did, just not for that year that many were watching).
One example of a major catastrophe that happened without prediction or at the wrong time, is, of course, 9-11. Supposedly there was at least one specific prediction of commercial passenger jets crashing into the towers before it happened, but none that I heard of dated it for Sept 11, 2001 nor did any such predictions become popular until after the event happened. Talk about a great missed opportunity for all the capable prophets out there to prove their mettle. (And in the end, as far as I have concluded from studying what real Bible prophets are made of, they did show their worth, or lack thereof.)
Clues From Bible Prophecy Breakthroughs
When I set out in 2006 to expand Planet X in Bible Prophecy to cover the rest of the Bible's prophetic roadmap of the end times, my understanding was already good enough to rule out Planet X's passage a few years into the future based on the absence of Biblical prerequisite events in the present. With 2012 already well estabished in the prophetic lexicon, one of the goals of my research was to determine if the many milestones and relative timing clues of Revelation and Daniel would tell us anything about whether 2012 deserved the dreaded reputation it was gaining. I would be willing to change my default assumption that 2012 was not going to be anything special if the Bible confirmed it somehow.
This would be a difficult task, because, contrary to the idea you'd get from studying the "Bible codes", literal Bible prophecy gives you no absolute or set dates. Instead there are relative timings given between certain milestones and the End of the Age. If you have heard of the 1335, 1290, 1260 days or the 42 months or 3½ years then you know what I'm talking about. Thus at the outset there seemed little hope of finding a definitive answer on 2012.
That changed when I remembered something I had learned years before. In listening to a Torah teacher, I heard that the 70 Weeks of Daniel 9 are, as one who has carefully studied the OT might suspect, Sabbath year cycles, or periods of seven years ending with a Sabbath year (called the Shmita in Hebrew). The Sabbath years were given to Israel as a year of rest from planting their fields with the guarantee that they would produce enough in the sixth year to carry them two years. On the surface this seems to have nothing to do with end time prophecy, but God never does things for a single reason or on a single level of meaning.
For example, Israel was told to eat the passover lamb each year to remember their Exodus on that day in history. Yet, later, Jesus was sacrificed as the Passover Lamb on that very same day of the year as well. Jesus also told us plainly in the Sermon on the Mount that the Torah, which includes the instructions of such holy day events as well as the Sabbath years, needed to be fulfilled (Mt 5:17-19). In other words, all of these instructions were "a shadow of things to come" (Col 2:17; Heb 10:1).
The Sabbath years turn out to actually point to the year of the return of Jesus. Jesus will return at the end of the 70th week, which is a Sabbath year. (For those who want the full understanding, I've dedicated an entire chapter to this topic in my book).
2012 According to the Bible...
Once I remembered that prophecy secret, I had two more steps to leverage it for determining what was possible in 2012 according to the Bible. I first needed to figure out which, among the differing opinions, was the correct Sabbatical year cycle today. Thanks to all my previous Bible research, that did not prove too hard to work out (although it remains debatable to most experts you'd ask). Next, I proceeded to deduce where all the events of Daniel and Revelation fall during the 70th week, working backwards from the rapture/return of Jesus at the end of it.
Yes, I said that right, the rapture is last. There are unfortunately many key prophetic events predicted by the Bible to come before the rapture, which is incorrectly considered the first prophetic event on most Christian's prophetic roadmap (if they even have one). Wormwood (secularly known as Planet X) of the 3rd trumpet, is actually the kickoff event to the catastrophes ahead which Revelation predicts starting with the 6th seal and ending with the 4th trumpet. Planet X's passage is often connected with 2012 (although as far as I can tell, this date is picked because of its widespread acceptance as a doomsday date, not based on any actual observations and orbital data). From my research on the Sabbath year cycles, I was shocked to find that the Bible indicated 2012 as one of the few possible years for Wormwood's passage.
But time has passed since I made that discovery and the window is now closed for 2012. We don't even have to wait for the actual year before we can rule 2012 out completely. I mentioned there are other events that are not on the typical pretrib Christian prophetic roadmap that should be. Another one of these events is the coming Middle East nuclear war predicted by an abundance of prophetic chapters, including Psalm 83. This particular event has to happen before Wormwood comes, for reasons I won't go into here. To make a long story short, since this war has not materialized, we can rule out 2012 as a year of any type of prophetic fulfillment. (And if something does happen that year and it's not in Bible prophecy, then it's nothing to worry about.) Therefore, based on the information we have now, it is a safe bet that 2012 will be another non-event just like 2000 and 2003. But Bible prophecy is sure, so Wormwood will come eventually. If it is not 2012 it can be another time some multiple of seven years later, such as 2019 or 2026.
Mr. Planet X Agrees (Once Bitten, Twice Shy)
And I'm not alone. I saw a posting by Mark Hazlewood recently in which he also cast doubt upon 2012. This is remarkable considering Mark used to have the site "PlanetX2003.com". Here's what Mark Hazlewood has to say on 2012:
Almost directly after the disinfo date of 2003 (which I fell for) the EXACT SAME DISINFO people everywhere started saying 2012. 2012 is the end date for the ancient Mayan calender.
The Mayan calender is thousands of years old & does not align with our Gregorian calender we use.
The alignment of Earth relative to the sun has changed at least once because of a previous Planet X type passing since the Mayan calender was made.
All calenders after a PX type passage would be useless except for historical value & have to be reworked from scratch.
So the Mayan calender 2012 probably has already passed or will pass years after our 2012. Also, the Mayan calender end date did not foretell anything about Planet X or a calamity.
So why is everyone and their uncle saying 2012? It's seems obvious it's another cry of wolf.
You need two cries of wolf to be effective.
After the second cry of wolf few will ever listen about PX again. Once 2012 comes & goes without PX passing there should be an international effect to quash the Planet X awakening almost completely once & for all through the major media.
. . .
However 2012 means absolutely nothing no matter who says what about it, including all the pseudo Ph D's that want to sell books & spread their disinfo.
Disinfo is a combo of truth & lies meant to deceive the public by suckering them in with the truth then injecting their lies once they got your attention.
If you want to understand in a hot second whether you're reading disinfo or not look for the date 2012 in an article, or a long list of disinfo folk which include most that discuss PX, or alien, spiritual, or channeled material that discussed PX. I generally quit reading as soon as I see 2012 mentioned or the rest.
Usually a source from some obscure place rehashes most you've heard already about PX to get your attention (offering virtually nothing new) then they interject the 2012 date.
Mark Hazlewood www.planetxinbound.com
I hope by writing this article, others can gain in minutes wisdom that has taken me years of experience to gather. If someone makes a prophecy and sets a date, disregard it--unless they are a real Biblical prophet (who do set dates successfully as the Bible shows. How to tell a real Biblical prophet is of course a whole other challenge in discernment to learn. Stay tuned to my free newsletter for an upcoming article soon on its way to make that easy. But, in short, if someone verbally claims to be a prophet then they are not one.)
Although the best Biblical evidence factoring in the Sabbatical years and 70th week of Daniel says 2012 could be the year of Wormwood, time is running out for important prerequisite events to happen beforehand. My suspicion based on what I see not happening so far here in 2008 is that 2012 will pass without any global disaster. So seek ye first the Kingdom and bear much fruit as Jesus said until the promised end times Elijah prophet comes and gives us further insight and instructions.


Earth Hour 2009 地球一小时

Turning your lights off for an hour is a great start. However, there are many other things you can do to make Earth Hour 2009 a success.


“地球一小时”活动其实就像开灯关灯一样容易。  该活动起初只是一项号召悉尼居民关灯的活动,逐渐发展壮大成为全球最大的应对气候变化行动之一。2009年3月28日晚上8:30,全球各地的人们将为”地球一小时”而熄灯。我们希望能有超过1000个城市10亿人参加这一活动中来,用全球性的努力一起来应对气候变暖。“地球一小时”这一活动率先于2007年在澳大利亚展开,当时大约有220万悉尼家庭和企业熄灯一小时。然而仅仅一年以后,“地球一小时”已成为一项全球性并持续发展的活动,超过35个国家多达500万人参与其中。全球各大城市的地标性建筑,如旧金山的金门大桥,罗马斗兽场及时代广场上的可口可乐广告牌等都为此而伫立于黑暗之中,各城市居民也表达了对刻不容缓的环保事业的热忱希望。2009年的“地球一小时”是一项全球性的行动,它呼吁每个人,每个企业和社区都积极采取措施,投身其中,承担应尽职责,为创建一个可持续发展的明天而行动起来。届时,全球各地从欧洲到美洲的地标性建筑都将伫立于黑暗之中。而世界各国人民将通过关灯这一方式,携手为创造地球更美好的明天而努力。

您正在看的文章来自《童军梦乡》,原文出处: http://forum.scouting.my 谢谢支持!




Date: Saturday, March 28, 2009 at 8:30 PM
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